Thursday, December 8, 2016

Keeping Your Head Above Water When You're Out Of Work

financial prestige
Finding yourself out of work is never a pleasant experience. No matter what the cause was, you’re going to have to find new ways to adapt to your situation. In this article, we’re going to looking at the temporary causes for leaving your job. For more permanent cases, it’s a better idea to look at how you go about getting Social Security Disability, for instance. Below, we’ll look at how to keep your head above water and make it to the other side of this difficult period.

What put you out of work?

It’s important to answer this question first and foremost. The circumstances of how you lost your job or your ability to work are important. For instance, if you were injured on the job, then not only will you not have lost that job. You will be entitled to worker’s comp. If you’re injured outside of work, however, and you’re not protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act, you’re not entitled to any pay or to your old job. In those cases, your best bet is to assign responsibility. If your injury wasn’t your fault, then you should be considering seeking damages with the help of teams like

Time to re-budget

Once you’ve taken the particulars of your circumstances into consideration, your first step is to take an entirely new look at your finances. Now is the time to get truly frugal and to create an unemployment budget. has a few good examples that can get you cutting significant chunks for your monthly outgoings. You need to start focusing more on your wants rather than your needs. Instead of catching a cup of coffee from your barista, start making more coffee at home. Look at your subscriptions, whether they’re Netflix or Audible or cable packages, and consider which ones you can live without. Take the time to look at alternative providers for essentials like an internet connection. All the money that you save, put aside into your emergency savings. When your current funding runs out, hopefully, those savings should help you stretch your money a little further.

Deal with debt and creditors

When you’re out of a job, you can’t really be dealing with debt letters coming through the door. Yet many of us build up debt while we’re able to pay it, assuming that will always be the case. The first thing to do is call them up. Many of them will be willing to temporarily put payments on freeze or make them a lot more manageable. Strategize which debts you’re going to close first, too. If you have any emergency funds set up, put it towards those debts with the highest interest. Don’t close credit cards, even if you’re current with them. You might have need of that short-term financial boost in the very near future.

Ask for help

If you’re part of a family, then let them know of your situation and your financial difficulties. Families that pit together have a much better chance of coming out of financial hardship a lot more intact. They may help you cut down the household expenses or even look into supplementing their own income to keep everything rolling for now. Of course, your family doesn’t have to be your sole source of help, either. You should take a thorough look at sites like to find all the unemployment benefits that might apply to you. They’re not likely to be enough to keep you on top of all your expenses for long, but they can help.

Strategize your re-entry into the workforce

Whether you’ve been fired or you’ve recovered from an injury, now is the time to start planning how you go about getting another job. If you haven’t been unemployed in a while, it can all feel fairly foreign. Especially with how online the job search has become in the last decade. Now is the time to get your knowledge updated with sites like Get your resume updated and make use of software that can make it look even more impressive. Treat your job search like a full-time job. Get up in the mornings, follow a routine, and get dressed before you start searching. Don’t despair if it isn’t successful initially. It rarely is.

Take the time to de-stress

We shouldn’t look solely at the practical sides of dealing with the loss of income, either. It’s very possible that it can have serious effects on your emotional and mental health as well. In particular, a lot of people have to deal with money stress. Stress can not only make you more irritable. It contributes to weight gain, to loss of sleep, and plenty of other physically concerning changes. So don’t feel like you always have to be rushing from one thing to the other. De-stress. Wake up a little earlier and try meditating. Write out your plans for the day and the week. Don’t just bounce from one task to the other. Catch your breath and allow yourself a moment of respite.

Consider working for yourself

If your job search isn’t proving successful, then perhaps you shouldn’t be looking for an employer right now. Instead, you can look to hire out your services. Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to get work online. Whether you’re doing short-term remote work, freelancing, or starting up a business of your own. There’s a need for all kinds of talent. Social media and content marketing are used by the majority of businesses that have an online presence. Even administration and accounting tasks can easily be done through the internet. Regardless of what skills you have, it’s likely you’ll be able to use them to make a bit of extra cash on the internet. Even if it’s not a permanent solution for you, it can make your finances more manageable for right now.

You’re not the first person to face being out of work and you certainly won’t be the last. Creditors, the government, all kinds of institutions have preparations to help you make it through intact. You just have to be driven and willing to explore your options.

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